I would like to ask Mr. G. just how much fighting he has done. Does he defend the homosexual when he is attacked in his presence in social or business life? Has he ever given one hour of his time to the work of the organization working in behalf of the homosexual? Has he ever reached in his pocket and donated a sawbuck to the cause? Has he ever stayed home from a night of cruising to be able to give?

He makes me think of those who, when approached to assist or join one of the organizations in the field, says, "I'd gladly join or give a donation (probably $10) if you people would set up a fund (calling for thousands of dollars) for research, lobbying, or legal assistance for homosexuals."

Why don't all the Mr. Gs. put their time, support and money where their mouths are, and if they want the homophile organizations to stand up and fight, why don't they get in and help them with the fighting?

To the People of ONE:

Mr. A.W.M.

New York, N. Y.

So Mr. G. wants us to fight the heterosexual "enemy" like men. In the long run his strategy would probably be fatal to the Magazine, but I agree with him that no compromise is possible on several fundamental issues, and I believe the people at ONE are aware of the situation.

You can best reveal the situation and the injustices and repressions in your news column. I'd like to see it enlarged and if I lived nearer Los Angeles I'd offer to help with it, but since I don't I can only suggest that you try to gather together a sharp and persevering News Committee. Also, remind your readers that you want news clippings.

Dear ONE:

Edward Denison Texas

I was called in to the postal inspection office of the Post Office. Senators Thomas Kuchel and George Smathers had submitted my letter to the United Nations to the Post Office for investigation as to whether such communication befitted postal service.

Also, the person I spoke with at the Post Office warned me that any talk or communication upon Morality would put me in a very dangerous position. They've got me pinned down and identified. Now trying to hang me. Mr. G.


San Francisco, Calif.

Let's have more pictures like the (April 1961) cover. The most beautiful sight in the world-a cleancut young man with his shirt


off. Have monthly a full center-page-like Playboy of a tastefully shirtless young man. This could provide a certain kick without ruining your discreet format.

Even more strongly I recommend that you never include pictures of full nudes, as the little magazines exhibit.

My Dear ONES:

Mr. B.

San Francisco, Calif.

I purchase at the local magazine stand a large number of magazines depicting male models in all sorts of attire, as this follows a certain line of ideas that otherwise would not be possible. But, having looked through the magazines, they are then destroyed.

The advice of your attorney in not having a pen-pal setup is fully understood, so as to prevent a certain segment from exploiting those who would be unaware until it is too late.

Dear Sir:

Mr. W. Washington, D. C.

More about the nudie-nudies and about adjustment. Adjustment and being well-adjusted sounds terribly intelligent in the talk, but I find it very difficult to find what it means.

I have lots of nudie photos. For me they are all, everyone, springtime, all-year-round joy, happiness and love. I guess you might call it awe-inspiring beauty if you wanna. And I don't care to have my beauty edited by some editor with some "sick" junk in mind.

I am not "adjusted." I hope the hell I never am. You add up the moments in your life. I'll add up mine and I don't care who's the winner.

On "Homosexual Procreation (March 1961) Steuart isn't so mad, mad, mad. Homos have to learn an alien independence of mind. -how can they avoid it if they merely stay alive? And this is the secret of all new human knowledge. Their insights forced by cultural friction could make them tops, if they can shuck off the hetero quality of self-commiseration.

The story "The Scavengers" (March 1961) was at first depressing, because it is such old hat. But it does highlight the fact that the homos are used to getting smashed and can get up and brush themselves off.

About Daughters of Bilitis, maybe you can get your foot in the door of a "Right" by not even asking for it, but maybe you have to at least open your mouth and ask for it. And maybe punch for it when you can. That's what they used to do.

Dear Friends:

Mr. H. Brooklyn, N. Y.

I have no disagreement with ONE's policy against publishing physique photographs. I